The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 405 Method Not Allowed response status code indicates that the request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource. 405 Method Not Allowed The method specified in the Request Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the request. disabling this also makes no difference. A direct call to this URL from a browser will result in a "405 Method Not Allowed" message. In other words, the HTTP verb is not allowed for the specific URL that an HTTP client has requested. In its simplest form a call to the REST Enabled SQL requires the following information. The library you use sets the tokenurl as: const tokenUrl = url.resolve(config.auth.tokenHost, config.auth.tokenPath); The api-call may then hit another unintended method which could have a different HTTP action allowed. And about status code "405 - Method Not Allowed" will get this status code when rest controller or service only supporting GET method but from client side your trying with POST with valid uri request, during such scenario get status as "405 - Method Not Allowed" As far as I know, the HTTP 405 status code as Method Not Allowed. You can refer the following links solutions. SVN update 时,错误:PROPFIND request on '/svn/xxxx' failed: 405 Method Not Allowed、 解决办法如下: 第一步:查看SVN服务器,发现服务器已停止运行,重启时不成功,返回错误代码(0x8007042A)如下: Please ensure that you have the … 用語「Method Not Allowed【HTTPエラー】」の説明です。正確ではないけど何となく分かる、IT用語の意味を「ざっくりと」理解するためのIT用語辞典です。専門外の方でも理解しやすいように、初心者が分かりやすい表現を使うように心がけています。 The server MUST generate an Allow header field in a 405 response containing a list of the target resource's currently supported methods.. When using Oracle REST Data Services, a blank page might be displayed when attempting to access an Oracle Application Express page, for example, when attempting to display https://example/ords/. The server MUST generate an Allow header field in a 405 response containing a list of the target resource's currently supported methods.. As you can probably see, there’s a flag at the end of the rule marked R=405. Basic Call Explained. Advantage/Disadvantages of oracle ORDS in standalone mode Hot Network Questions Which is better - components on both sides or components on one side of the PCB? The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 405 Method Not Allowed response status code indicates that the request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource. Bonjour à tous(tes) , Je viens vous partager cette petite expérience que j'ai rencontré il y'a peu de temps et que j'ai pu résoudre. I have referred all available suggestions such as : Asp.NET Web API - 405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed - how to set handler mappings. Replicate and fix "405 method not allowed" issue when making HTTP DELETE or PUT requests to RESTful API on IIS 10 using .NET Core 1.1 app.