On the other hand, one can identifiy country-specific references to the history, society and most of all to the nature of the country. Excellent interview of Marc Wellmann, director of the Berlin exhibition space Haus am Lützowplatz and curator of the recently opened exhibition ‘Mostly Happy - Finnish Art Today’. Bearer of the non-profit space is the Verein Fördererkreis Kulturzentrum Berlin e.V. 030-261 38 05 office@hal-berlin.de www.hal-berlin.de. Kari Vehosalo and Antti Laitinen take part in Mostly Happy – Finnish Art Today group show at Haus am Lützowplatz in Berlin. On the other hand, one can identifiy country-specific references to the history, society and most of all to the nature of the country. Jarmo Mäkilä and Toni R. Toivonen participate in a group exhibition in Vantaa Art Museum Artsi Pax – Let's Talk About Peace Novinky, lístky, nejnovější info, stejně jako program a vstupenky na … ... Haus am Lützowplatz Lützowplatz 9 Berlin, 10785 + Google Karte Telefon: +49 30 2613805 – 11. Kari Vehosalo and Antti Laitinen at Haus am Lützowplatz in Berlin. 6. Novinky, info a program rovnako ako vstupenky na najlepšie akcie nájdete na GoOut. Mostly Happy v Berlíně! Tuesday, 30 July 2019. Finnish Art Today« BUS: M29 Künstler Martti Aiha, Elina Brotherus, Miklos Gaál, Hannaleena Heiska, Antti Laitinen, Niina Lehtonen Braun u. a. Galerie Deschler Berlin ... Mostly Happy – Finnish Art Today. 8. Haus am Lützowplatz. Jo 25 vuoden ajan Suomen Saksan-instituutti on edis-tänyt rajoja ylittävää dialogia Suomen ja saksankie- GÖRAN GNAUDSCHUN - ALEXANDERPLATZ, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, 02/2014 Philip Grözinger @ Context Art Miami, ART FROM BERLIN, Landesverband Berliner Galerien (LVBG), 12/2013 OLIVER JORDAN - INDUSTRIELANDSCHAFTEN, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, 12/2013 JEN RAY - BETTER TO REIGN IN HELL, THAN SERVE IN HEAVEN, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, 09/2013 Toni R. Toivonen takes part in 'Mostly Happy – Finnish art today' at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin. Mostly Happy v Berlíne! 2018 wurden die Finnen zum zweiten Mal in Folge zur glücklichsten Nation der Welt gekürt - und: Finland führt auch den Good Country Index an. The show, curated by Marc Wellmann, presents ten artists who allow an insight into the diversity and the quality of Finnish contemporary art. Kari Vehosalo and Antti Laitinen at Haus am Lützowplatz in Berlin. – 11. Lützowplatz 9 10785 Berlin Di–So 11–18 Uhr Tel. An ambiguous image of sorts, the title Mostly Happy – Finnish Art Today touches on the corresponding difference between self-image and external perception. Vstupenky a informácie o nadchádzajúcej výstave. 9, 10785 Berlin Telefon 030 261 38 05 Öffis UBAHN: Nollendorfpl. SALOON member Niina Lehtonen Braun participates in: Mostly Happy - Finnish Art Today Group exhibition Duration: June 7th to August 11th, 2019 Opening: June 6th, 2019, 7 to 10 pm At: Haus am Lützowplatz, Lützowplatz 9 10785 Berlin, Germany In cooperation with the Finnland-Institut in Deutschland www.hal-berlin.de www.niina-lehtonen-braun.com www.finnland-institut.de Image: Niina … View More. Gefällt 6.284 Mal. The aim of the Finnish contemporary art exhibition “Mostly Happy - Finnish Art Today”, which will be held in Berlin, more precisely at Haus am Lützowplatz from June 7th to August 11th, is indeed of overcoming the common assumptions around Finland of it being an idyllic country. Konkretes und Imaginäres. June 7–August 11, 2019. The exhibition „Mostly Happy – Finnish Art Today“ presents ten artists who allow an insight into the diversity and the quality of Finnish contemporary art. SALOON member Niina Lehtonen Braun participates in: Mostly Happy - Finnish Art Today Group exhibition Duration: June 7th to August 11th, 2019 Opening: June 6th, 2019, 7 to 10 pm At: Haus am Lützowplatz, Lützowplatz 9 10785 Berlin, Germany In cooperation with the Finnland-Institut in Deutschland www.hal-berlin.de www.niina-lehtonen-braun.com www.finnland-institut.de Image: Niina … 8. The exhibition presents artists who allow an insight into the diversity and the quality of Finnish contemporary art. The Museum of Nature. Vstupenky a informace o nadcházející výstavě. From the group exhibition Mostly Happy - Finnish Art Today currently at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin ... Antti Laitinen ... Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Skip to content. 2019. Mostly Happy – Finnish Art Today. Artist Homes Berlin 11:00 Ausstellung. 2019. In den Jahren 2018 und 2019 belegte Finnland den ersten Platz im World Happiness Report. The Haus am Lützowplatz is an exhibition space for contemporary art at the Lützowplatz in Berlin-Tiergarten. Toni R. Toivonen at Haus am Lützowplatz June 7–August 11, 2019. Toni R. Toivonen takes part in 'Mostly Happy – Finnish art today' at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin. Daten & Fakten Veranstaltungsort Haus am Lützowplatz Adresse Lützowpl. Haus am Lützowplatz 11:00 Ausstellung. Haus am Lützowplatz 11:00 Ausstellung. On one hand, their works are connected to the codes and discourses of the global art world. 1972 Helsinki, Finland), works in photography and video.Her early work delt with subjective experiences, the presence and absence of love.