The distance education master program "Software Engineering for Embedded Systems" encompasses six modules. The fields of study include principles of software engineering for embedded systems, requirements engineering, testing and inspections, software product lines, component-based development, security, real-time systems, as well as software quality assurance. This program is available for students with an undergraduate degree, and it often takes one to two years to complete. The agency responsible for the accreditation process is ASIIN. To solve these challenges, the Embedded Systems Group of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern is developing the Averest toolkit for the model-based design of software and hardware, based on the synchronous programming language Quartz at its center. 7.960 €. Insgesamt belaufen sich die Kosten auf ca. Embedded Systems Group. Die aktuelle Gesamtbewertung liegt bei 4.3 Sternen. The Department of Computer Science has reformed the program structures in computer science: from winter semester 2018/19, updated study plans and examination regulations will apply to newly enrolled students. Flyover Technical University Kaiserslautern. View Master's Degrees in Kaiserslautern in Germany 2020 A Master is a degree that demonstrates students have completed advanced studies in their field of training. NOTE: Applications for this program can only be submitted online. Category Film & Animation; ... MASTER'S IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS FROM GERMANY (TU CHEMNITZ) - … In addition, the programme was awarded the Euro-Inf Master Quality Label of the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education . The European Masters programme in Embedded Computing Systems (EMECS) is a two-years Master's course where each of the two academic years is spent at a different EMECS partner university. Die Technische Universität Kaiserslautern bietet in wissenschaftlicher Kooperation mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering IESE ein einzigartiges berufsbegleitendes Master-Studium an, das zum Großteil in Fernlehre über das Distance and International Studies Center (DISC) der TU Kaiserslautern besucht werden kann. The distance learning programme Software for Embedded Systems is accredited to award the academic degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.). Jetzt auf vergleichen! Germany has a long and rich history, a vibrant and dynamic lifestyle mixing the modern and the classics, the urban and the rural which will immerse and make you love every second spent here. abgeschlossen. Computer Science (B.Sc./M.Sc.)

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